Thursday, October 13, 2011

ARMED - Concentrated Neutral Hard Surface Disinfectant

HIV Prevention in the United States

The science is clear: HIV prevention can and does save lives. Scores of scientific studies have identified effective prevention interventions for numerous populations, and it is estimated that prevention efforts have averted more than 350,000 HIV infections in the United States to date. In addition to the lives saved from HIV, it is estimated that more than $125 billion in medical costs alone have been averted.

But the HIV crisis in America is far from over. CDC’s latest estimates suggest that more than 56,000 Americans become infected each year—one person every 9½ minutes—and that more than one million people in this country are now living with HIV. Far too many Americans remain at risk for HIV. CDC estimates that roughly 1 in 5 people infected with HIV in the United States is unaware of his or her infection and may be unknowingly transmitting the virus to others.

The heavy burden of HIV in the United States is neither inevitable nor acceptable. It is possible to end the U.S. epidemic, but such an achievement will require that we dramatically expand access to proven HIV prevention programs, make tough choices about directing available resources, and effectively integrate new HIV prevention approaches into existing programs. (CDC, 2009)

ARMED Can Help

ARMED is a concentrated quaternary sanitizer and disinfectant that is formulated with a neutral pH and kills a broad spectrum of antimicrobials including HIV on hard, non-porous surface. It is used in food processing plants, hospitals, nursing homes, dental offices, veterinary office, kennels, etc; used as a part of blood borne pathogen requirements.

• Dilutes 1:128 for hard surface disinfection
• Dilutes 1:32 for heavy duty surface cleaning• Kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA, VISA and VRE
• Kills Influenza, H1N1 (Swine Flu), HIV, Herpes, HBV, HCV and more than 70 other diseases causing microorganisms

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